Ontological Mathematics is a new scientific philosophical theory which will unlock the knowledge and the technology to provide a Star Trek future. This campaign will fund equipment required for experimentation which will will seek to demonstrate empirical evidence for ontological mathematics, and ultimately for the existence of the mental singularity, and of the monad soul, and God. We will reset scientific thinking to the time period of the year circa 1900, placing it upon a solid rational interpretational basis from which to then redevelop modern science.
The precise details of which exper
...iments will be performed, and how they will be, will remain secret for now, but all details will be published either for free or in a public-access scientific journal after the results are analyzed. The experimental equipment required is similar to that of the Michelson-Morley experiment and also that of the double-slit experiment. We require such items as cooled CCD cameras, lasers, beam splitters, stages & taShow more