Troparion of the Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ

In Church Slavonic. Chanted by a male Russian choir Написовашеся иногда со старцем Иосифом, яко от семене Давидова, в Вифлееме Мариам, чревоносящи безсеменное Рождение. Наста же время рождества, и место ни единоже бе обиталищу, но, якоже красная палата, вертеп Царице показашеся. Христос раждается прежде падший воскресити образ. Lyrics in English: Once Mary, pregnant with a seedless pregnancy, was registered in Bethlehem with the elder Joseph, as being of the seed of David. And while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered, but there was no room for them in the inn. But the cave showed itself to be a beauteous palace for the Queen, and Christ is born to raise up the image that fell of old! Another translation: Mary once, with aged Joseph, went to be taxed in Bethlehem, for they were of the Lineage of Bethlehem; and she bore in her womb the fruit that had not been sown. The time of the birth was at hand and there was no room fo
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