LOVE - VIERNES (Javier Godino). Quarantine version.

LOVE Music & Lyrics by Javier Godino (VIERNES) Produced by Alexander Pantchenko Video made by VIERNES (iPhone / Enlight) CANCIÓN PARA TODO EL MUNDO. QUARANTINE VERSION TO THE WORLD. My intention was to make the most intense love song ever, a multicultural song with all languages, a Pop Hymn to reunite Humanity and make children dance and sing for happiness. For some people Love is a Taboo, and it’s unbearable to stand its purest expression but children love it. I wanted an Emoji to perform as me for Universal purposes and to avoid my own ego. At this particular time, during this decisive moments of confinement, we finally feel the global sense of Humanity. We can suffer, complain, hurt ourselves or other people... Or we can focus on our highest self manifestation: LOVE. OUR true talent is our capacity to care, share, be good and Love. Sean valientes. Ámense.
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