Long and boring, isn’t it? ;-) Luckily, Mikael has always had a joke at hand. This is most of, and unfortunately not the whole of “Forest Of October“ from “Orchid“. ________________________________________ By means of disclaimer ... This is a video from our private collection, accumulated on VHS tapes over a long time. Perhaps someone will enjoy it. Please mind this is a rare video footage shot by someone from the crowd, hence the quality of the video and audio may be low, the age of the tape and generation of the recording notwithstanding. Also, please mind our intention is not to cause harm to the band nor any of the copyright owners, if you are one of them, or suspect this might be the case, please notify us immediately. If you are a video trader and have the show on your list, feel free to use this as a reference. At the same time, everyone, please, be advised this is a genuine rip from our own videotapes and does not exist in any other form except this, so the quality may - and will - be different. T
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