How to Fix Forward Head | Slumped Posture (PERMANENTLY!)

Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really causing these problems. Here’s a hint. If you followed other posture correction videos for a forward head you likely never fixed the root of the issue and only did a temporary solution. When trying to correct any issue in the body, it is good practice to not focus on the site of the issues when looking for the solution. Instead, you need to look for the source. For instance, when it comes to fixing the position of the head and neck you cannot just look at the muscles that surround the area for the answer to your problems. This is especially true if you realize that the neck is just a portion of the spine. The spine is an incredibly long structure that has elements in the neck, mid back and lower back. Doing anything to a region of the spine down belo
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