
Over the past 6 years I have reviewed a lot of strange and interesting VR tech on this channel but I have to say the NextMind brain control interface is for sure one of the coolest things I have tried in a long time! I have always been fascinated by the idea of BCI’s and I was very excited to have recently received a dev kit from the team over at NextMind to review... I sincerely want to thank them for sending this over because it has truly opened my eyes to the possibilities of what a device like this can bring to not only Virtual Reality apps and games, but also a host of other use cases such as aiding people with mobility issues or just plain letting me be lazy and not having to find the remote buried in my couch cushions when I want to change channels on the TV. So what exactly does this piece of Sci-Fi like tech actually do? Well from what I understand, it relies on the users visual cortex in which the sensor pulls electrical signals from and then translate them into in game/app actions after focusing
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