MAKJ x MADDS x Mila Jam - Just Sayin’ (Official Lyric Video)

Discover ’MAKJ x MADDS x Mila Jam - Just Sayin’ on your favorite streaming platform ▶ Subscribe to the Armada Music YouTube channel: Click the 🔔 to stay updated with our new uploads! The first-ever get-together between MAKJ, MADDS and Mila Jam, ‘Just Sayin’ oozes with summer feel and global dance floor appeal. Supercharged by long-tailed bass steps that perfectly complement the airy vocals and sun-kissed beat drops, this track is an anthem to days spent at the seaside. Connect with Armada Music ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶@armadamusic ▶ #ArmadaMusic #MAKJ #JustSayin
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