Cutting fabric-wrapped tatami - Grosse Messer, Longsword & Langes Messer

Wrapping tatami with fabric makes test cutting harder, but how much harder? In order to find out I cut the legs off a pair of worn out pants and used that to wrap the tatami mat. A pant leg is no gambeson and a cotton and polyester mix isn’t what you would call a medieval material, but for me it’s good enough for this test. I’m starting with the Grosse Messer, as I expect that to be the easiest and then moving on to longsword and langes messer. Overall this worked out better than I had expected. Yes, the fabric made cutting harder, but the grossmesser and longsword made it through, without change in technique or too much trouble. The langmesser cuts into the fabric and the tatami, but the two last cuts are not able to pass out of the fabric on the other side, leaving one or two layers of straw and some fabric intact. This might have benefited from more of a draw cut, but still made it through 90% of the mat and the fabric. More test cutting videos
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