KIMURA - HELL IS COMING (Official Music Video)

“Hell Is Coming“ - Taken from the album “Circle The Prey“ Buy Circle The Prey: Digital - Physical - Follow KIMURA: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Website - Buy Merch: Video Credits: Directed, Filmed & Edited by Darkspirit Photography KIMURA - Hell Is Coming (Lyrics): Hell is coming Dragged through all the dust and the haze Lamentations of what went wrong We’re the catalyst for our own demise On this earth we don’t belong Broken down the salt and the brine Our plastic crown Fading Hope dies and hands over the earth We killed the light and now Hell is coming We forge the bl...ame through greed and disdain Reaping all that we’ve sown Our time is up rip our blood from vein Balance we’ll never own Broken down the salt and the br
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