The Kick of the 80s

Benny Urquidez, Don Wilson, Jerry Trimble, Chuck Norris, Dennis Alexio, Rick Roufus, Jean-Yves Theriault, Brad Hefton, Bill Wallace, Jeff Smith, Demetrius Havanas, Glenn McMorris, Earnest Hart, Jr., Dennis Downey, John Moncayo, Danny Lopez, Jeff Hollins, Blinky Rodriguez, Jerry Clarke, Leroy Taylor, Ross Scott, Jerry Rhome, Paul Vizzio, Steve “Nasty“ Anderson, Emilio Narvaez, Felipe Garcia, Bob Thurman, Kerry Roop, Cliff Thomas, Gordon Franks, Jeff Gripper, Ismael Robles, Louis Neglia, Wildcat Molina, Butch Bell, Rodney Batiste, Curtis Bush, Sam Montgomery, Keith Vitali, George Chung, Ernie Reyes Jr., Ernie Reyes Sr...
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