Pug Template Engine - Full Tutorial for Beginners

Pug (formally known as Jade) is an HTML preprocessor implemented in . It allows you to render HTML with powerful features such as loops, templates, mixins and native JavaScript logic support. Learn how to use Pug in this complete course. 🔗For your reference, check this out: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00) 1. Getting Started | HTML NodeJS ⌨️ (4:29) 2. The Basics (Doctypes HTML Tags) ⌨️ (10:32) 3. IDs and Classes ⌨️ (14:23) 4. Attributes (and Advanced Attribute Features) ⌨️ (24:12) 5. Using CSS (Stylesheets) ⌨️ (30:33) 6. For/Each Loop - Iterate over Arrays and Objects ⌨️ (38:15) 7. Conditionals | If/Else Statements ⌨️ (45:25) 8. Case Statement | Switch Statement ⌨️ (50:20) 9. Includes Statement | Including other Pug files ⌨️ (55:37) ... #pug_template #pug_template_engine #jade #jade_template_engine # #expressjs #nodejs # #pug_tutorial 20180809 kt3cEjjkCZA
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