Let’s Build a RUST WebAssembly Frontend App With Yew

WebAssembly opens the door for frontend developers to use languages that don’t compile to JavaScript, like Rustlang. These technologies (rustlang yew) will change web development!! We use js-sys, web-sys, and friends to power this web application. 00:00 Introduction 00:04 What We’ll Build (yew vp9 video streaming app) 00:41 Setup 01:19 Creating basic yew app structure 02:25 Running bare-bones app 02:42 How to call browser javascript frameworks from rust 03:26 Creating the skeleton of the yew app 05:06 Running the skeleton app 05:24 Connecting the WebCam 09:33 Testing Webcam with the Browser 09:57 Setting up the VP9 WebCodec Encoder 15:40 Things go sideways!! installing local libraries via cargo patch 18:14 Setting up the VP9 Encoder Part 2 20:40 Testing VP9 Encoding with the browser 21:03 Communicating Producer and Consumer using get_context 23:38 Connecting the Consumer to the Context 31:20 Debugging 33:54 Demo a
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