Is Our PLANET a Battleground for Warring ALIEN Civilizations ?👽
“Our planet has been a battlefield for alien civilization for thousands of years. As a result, there have been fights, damage, and efforts to block our progress,” according to William Tompkins, author of “Selected by Extraterrestrials”. Since 2015, Navy engineer William Tompkins has become a Military Industrial Complex whistle-blower about his involvement in the design of America’s first Space Fleet while working in secret and isolation. Is all this true or is it pure Science Fiction ?
0:00:00 – Start
0:00:54 – Intro
0:01:57 – William Mills Tompkins
0:06:03 – Earth is a battleground for alien races
0:07:15 – The Dark Fleet
0:08:36 – Solar Warden
0:11:07 – Conclusion
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