We Just Want To Be Happy | Official Music Video

Today we, as humanity, face many crises and problems. But when we are together, we can cope with absolutely everything. Our strength is unity, because everyone wants to live happily, everyone wants to love and be loved, in a world where all people smile and where everyone is happy. Everyone wants to live in a Creative Society. This is exactly what this song is about, co-written by the international group of musicians of the Creative Society Project and Sheila Bonnick, a former member of the world-famous music band “Boney M.“ Exclusively for the International Online Forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity,“ Sheila Bonnick worked on the lyrics and music to inspire the whole world to unite and deliver the message that only together we can make it happen. “We Just Want to Be Happy!“ – is a vibrant, lively, dancing and musical call for people all over the world to join the project and build a Creative Society together. “We Just Want To Be Happy&quo
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