Originally Composed by Konami Kukeiha Club in 1991 (Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudou)
Arranged for Accordion by PlayAccordion in 2021
YAY! I’m back!
It is the first cover of year 2021. Playing The theme of Simon Belmont from a SNES video game Super Castlevania IV performed by an Accordion. There is also some tracks from the original game at the background.
Had some fun during the holidays and weren’t too much concerning about this Youtube stuff and I believe it shows on this video. I’m beginning a new era of PlayAccordion covers this year and changing a bit of how I publish videos. Previously I
... have made a video once a week. However in the future I’m going to forget about strict timelines and publish a video when I feel it is ready. Considering both arranging and rehearsing a piece. So what can you expect? More polished videos and better content for you to watch!
Thanks for your support and let’s make it awesome 2021!Show more