12 Phrasal Verbs about CLOTHES: dress up, try on, take off...

Do you know what a ’phrasal verb’ is? In this lesson, I will explain what a phrasal verb is, and teach you the most common phrasal verbs native speakers use to talk about clothing. I will teach you ’dress up’, ’zip up’, ’do up’, ’wear in’, ’kick off’, ’have on’, and many more! Phrasal verbs can be difficult for English learners to remember. Watch this lesson and then take the quiz, so that you’ll remember them all! TRANSCRIPT Hi, thereIn this lesson, you will be explained what a phrasal verb is, and taught the most common phrasal verbs native speakers use to talk about clothing. В этом уроке Вам объснят, что такое фразовый глагол и научат самым распространенным фразовым глаголам, которые носители языка используют, чтобы поговорить НА ТЕМУ ОДЕЖДЫ
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