Kena Bridge of Spirits - Master Difficulty Exploit / Glitch (Master Spirit Guide Trophy)

This guide shows how to use the Master difficulty Exploit / Glitch in Kena Bridge of Spirits for the Master Spirit Guide trophy. This lets you skip the highest difficulty playthrough for platinum completely. CONFIRMED TO WORK ON BOTH PS4 & PS5 ON PATCH VERSION THIS HAS REPORTEDLY BEEN PATCHED AS OF AND NO LONGER WORKS! Step 1: Fast Travel to Mountain Shrine at any time after having finished the story (very north of map). Make a MANUAL SAVE while standing inside the Mountain Shrine Meditation Spot (blue circle on ground). Step 2: Interact with the Meditation Spot (press TRIANGLE), this will trigger the final cutscene/credits. You can skip them by holding X . Step 3: When back in the main menu, start a NEW GAME on MASTER DIFFICULTY. Step 4: Play the New Game Master difficulty until you’ve met the first Rot in the story. Step 5: After having met the first Rot, press OPTIONS-BUTTON and load the MANUAL SAVE that you made in Step 1 (not t
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