I Got A Personal Color Analysis

Download Flip and get 30% off your first order with code “Safiya“ at - thanks again to Flip for sponsoring this video!! And make sure to follow me @safiyany on flip :) And thanks so much to Julia from Agile Styling for her consult! You can find her website and find out more about her color matching and styling services here: And follow her on TikTok & Instagram at: @agile_styling ! HELLO FRIENDS!! Today it’s all about color - and as someone who is known for wearing almost only black, I decided to dip my toes into the personal color analysis trend I’ve been hearing about for years and seeing all over TikTok. Because I’ve always been curious... am I a winter? Autumn? Summer? Or even Spring? Pastels have never been my forte, but I was open to at least *hearing* about them. So, we took a little detour to Toronto and visited Julia Dobkine from Agile Styling, an expert in color analysis who
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