freestyling but my brain hurts

EPIC DEAL: GMG Performance Blue Light Glasses 40% OFF BAYBAY → Freestyling but i spin the opposite way in rocket league. Let me know what you think of my rocket league videos, thanks! →FOLLOW MY TWITCH: →instagram: →twitter: →MERCH (GO): all my links in 1 spot: -FAQ’s- I play Rocket League on PC I use a PS4 Controller I am 19 yrs old I edit with Sony Vegas 16 my alpha items are real f u use code fireisgarb sponsored by Epic Games smile #ad #add #addd Intro song: Julian Avila - Max’s Room transition song: Change My Mind - No Spirit Ending song: Looking for the Light - Rameses B & Laura Brehm Rocket League Camera Settings (I change them a lot) 110 240 110 -3 0.4 1.0 Sens: Aerial 5
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