Английский язык 4 класс (Урок№3 - One big happy family!)

Английский язык 4 класс Урок№3 - One big happy family! мы узнаем: названия прилагательных, описывающих внешность человека; мы научимся: использовать предлоги места; мы сможем: использовать их в речи. This is my best friend Antonio! What does he look like? He is 10 years old. Antonio has got short dark hair and blue eyes. He is tall and slim. Antonio is friendly and funny. He likes to skate in winter and to ride a bike in summer with his sister. Antonio’s sister is 9 years old. What does he look like? She is short and very nice. She has got long fair hair. Her name is Rosalie. Rosalie is funny too. Antonio and Rosalie are good friends! The children live in a big flat. There are four rooms in it. Antonio has his own room with a lot of toys inside. He never can find his roller blades, the helmet, his gloves, a mobile phone and the keys. They are in unusual places! The roller blades are under the table the helmet is behind the arm
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