The Head Of King Louis XVI - The King Of France

The French Revolution was a pivotal moment in History as the civilian population around the country rose up and sought to abolish their monarchy. No-one would have anticipated the bloodshed that occurred after as the Reign of terror emerged across France, with around 17,000 people being led to the guillotine inside of different cities and towns. Dozens a day were being executed as figures such as Robespierre wanted to stamp out every piece of monarchist sympathy as they could. But this was in the aftermath of the execution of the French King Louis XVI, and he was a king who was not perfect and he attracted a huge amount of hatred and criticism from his subjects. But Louis XVI would be led to the guillotine himself where an executioner took his head clean off. But following his death, a mould of his head would be cast and this was done by the infamous Madame Tussaud, and it shows a rather haunting image of the King in his final moments.
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