How to Do the Parada aka The Stop | Argentine Tango

Okay. We’re going to show you what a parara looks like. Parara means to stop or pause. So parara, again, we’re going to take it from the basic. So I’m going to start with forward, side, back, back, cross. My leader pivots me, takes me out of the cross. I step forward to ocho and he’ll stop. I want to make sure that I bring my heels together, toes apart, so my partner can actually stop my right foot in between my instep. So this way I give him space. Then I’m going to step across towards his center and he’ll bring me around and we’ll face each other. And he can finish it any which way he wants. So we have side. All the way to an to ocho, forward, cross your partner. Don’t forget to uncross them. Now you’re going to take that step back with your left and parara her. Now, from here you’re going on to wait and allow her to step over your foot as you transfer your weight to your right. From here resolution whichever way you wish to do. Back, side, all the way t
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