“Speranza“. “Сентиментальный марш“ Б.Окуджавы на англ.яз.
Стихи и мелодия Булата Окуджавы.
Перевод на англ.яз. Владимира Набокова.
The song by Butal Okudzhava.
The English translation by Vladimir Nabokov.
Speranza, I’ll be coming back
The day retreat the bugler sounds
When to his lips he brings the bugle
Outward his sharp elbow turns
Speranza, I’ll remain unharmed
The clammy earth is not for me
Because for me are your misgivings
And kind world of your concerns
But if an entire century
Goes by, and you are sick of hoping
Speranza, if it’s over me
Outspread wings the death should throw
You please command: let then the bugler
Sore wounded, raise himself a little
So that the last grenade may not
Dispatch me with the final blow
But if I suddenly some day
Don’t manage to protect myself
When the terrestrial globe is jolted
Whatever that new battle be
I’ll always fall in the same war
The only one, the Civil one
And commissaries in dusty helmets
Will bend in silence over me.