Teaching Teenagers English #3 Sharing out our teacher attention fairly

In this series of no-frills videos for teachers, methodology writer Chris Roland talks about teaching teenagers, providing tips, techniques, anecdotes and discussion about the psychological and emotional world of being a teens teacher. These videos normally come at you from Spain, where I’m based. This one was shot in university accommodation while teaching on a summer school in Limerick, Ireland. No halo light, no mic - so even less frills than normal, but I hope the usefulness of the technique I’m sharing makes up for that. In this clip I continue on the theme of pre-class anxiety and how to plan inclusively, for all our students (but one by one). The challenge In each clip, I will also leave you with a task, challenge or point to reflect on. This time, it’s very simple. I’d like you to try out the technique I describe! Please let me know in the comments section if you do so and you feel it adds value to your lessons. Further reading Chris’
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