In this video i’m restoring a very big old rusty wrench.
Last time I visited my friend I noticed this huge rusty wrench. Its size faszinated me from the first look and that’s why I decided to restore it. It’s for sure the easiest project I did on this channel so far, but I really enjoyed doing something „smaller“.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Stewen Guyot
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Courtney Maleport
Dan Williams
Joan Casanovas
Jonas Richartz
Marc P
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Zachary Grimes
00:00 preview
00:44 sandblasting
02:43 protect the metal with oil spray
03:14 removing the marks from drop forging with files
03:29 cleaning the file
04:10 sanding w