CW’s The Flash - The Tsunami on Guitar

You can get my remastered album featuring this and all of my other Arrowverse covers on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Spotify! iTunes: Spotify: Google Play: MP3s and TABS for all of my songs available through my Patreon! So the Tsunami Theme (I’m calling it that because it seems to be the most memorable time that the theme was used) is so epic and fast paced and you can feel the sense of urgency throughout it. It’s more of an “epic finale“ theme because it was also used in the season 1 finale but I think it’s slightly different in both versions. I was struggling with this one a bit, I had all of the guitars and recording done a couple of days ago but I just couldn’t get the virtual instruments to sound the way I wanted so I had to spend time working on them and it paid off in the end. I tried some more silly after effects stuff he
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