WHEC-TV News: Homecoming of Rochester’s 134th Maintenance Company - July 3, 1991

*A Warm Welcome Home* The 134th maintenance company, the largest reserve unit from Rochester, received a special nine-gun salute as a tribute to their service to the nation. The community turned out in mass to welcome them home, with an estimated crowd of about 3,000 people gathered inside and outside the Culver Road Armory. As the convoy of buses approached, the crowd erupted in cheers and waved from overpasses. The military honor of a nine-gun salute marked their arrival at the armory, setting the stage for an emotional reunion between the soldiers and their loved ones. *The Reunion at Culver Road Armory* At 1:30 PM sharp, led by the 98th Division band, the 134th maintenance company marched onto the drill floor of the Culver Road Armory, finally coming home after seven and a half months. Tears of joy flowed as friends and family members embraced their returning soldiers, their long separation melted away in an instant. The emotional atmosphere was filled with happiness and relief, as loved ones expressed their elation at having their family members back home. The reunion was a moment to cherish for a lifetime, and the soldiers were overwhelmed with gratitude and love from their families and the Rochester community. *Personal Stories and Promises* Amidst the celebration, there were touching moments that exemplified the profound impact of the homecoming. A couple who had their wedding plans stalled due to the deployment of the soldier in the 134th maintenance company could finally resume their preparations. The soldier presented an O-ring as a symbol of their commitment until the diamond could be reunited with its rightful place on his fiancée’s finger. A mother, overjoyed to see her son return, considered it the best day of her life. Promises were made, with one soldier vowing to never leave his loved one alone again, hoping to keep that promise now that he was finally back. *Gratitude from Well-Wishers* The homecoming of the 134th maintenance company was not only celebrated by their families and friends but also by the community at large. Many well-wishers, although not personally connected to any soldier, showed up to express their gratitude and support. People of all ages and backgrounds gathered at the Culver Road Armory, eager to say thank you to these brave men and women who had put their lives on the line for their country. The presence of these well-wishers, united in their appreciation for the returning troops, created a sense of unity and camaraderie. *Celebrations and Reunions* Various celebrations were organized throughout the day to honor the returning soldiers. At Beverly Place’s home in East Rochester, a crowd gathered to serenade Staff Sergeant Andy Place, while neighbors and family members celebrated his safe return. The atmosphere was filled with joy and happiness as the community came together to acknowledge the sacrifices made by these brave men and women. Songs of welcome that had become synonymous with airport reunions played in. _All content shared on this YouTube Channel is subject to copyright law and intended solely for educational and research purposes._
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