Lesson 10: Bent Knee Juicy Hip Shimmy “JBelly Juicy Hip Series” | Bellydance w/ @jbellyburn
Hi Beauty! Welcome to my bellydance channel. Join me at JBelly’s School of RAQ: Bellydance 🔥 Register Today at
Lesson 10: JBelly Juicy Hip Series: Hip Shimmy
“This particular shimmy technique is my absolute favorite for a few reasons. It is gentle on the body because we are NOT kicking back the knees but bending and focusing more on the hip’s. Thus protecting our knees. We can do this movement slowly and soft or hard and strong. Making it dynamic and playful. It is way more isolated than the straighter legged hip shimmy. Go for it and let me know how you do in the comments!”
If you haven’t yet check out Lesson 1-9 :)
JBelly School of RAQ: Bellydance
I offer classes, performances and more via Zoom, In-Studio in New York city and global. My goal is to provide affordable professional classes for any level dancer no matter where you live! I can’t wait to dance with you!
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