Poker Face a cappella (Lady Gaga) Noteworthy - original upload

UCB Noteworthy perform “Poker Face,“ by Lady Gaga, featuring Brian Wang and Joey Goodknight at the 9th Annual West Coast A Cappella Showcase at the University of California, Berkeley, on November 13, 2009. Arranged by Spencer Yeh. Connect with Noteworthy: Website Facebook fan page YouTube channel Twitter Noteworthy is an all male a cappella group at UC Berkeley. They perform at Sproul Plaza in front of Sather Gate on campus, Fridays at 2:00 p.m. during Spring Semester 2011. Update: On June 1, 2010, America’s Got Talent aired edited clips of Noteworthy performing “Poker Face“ for their audition. They did not continue on. Noteworthy’s comments on Facebook: “The editors at AGT are pretty talented themeslves; where we were standing, the crowd loved us even though Howie and Piers didn’t... Sharon called
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