It’s up to us to make a change. Shabbir Ali | Creative Society | Allatraunites (FULL INTERVIEW)

Welcome our esteemed guest — Shabbir Ali, founder and director of SWAG, film director and choreographer, Mr India & Mr Asia 2000, the SuperModel of India and fitness expert. Shabbir is a multi talented artist, who has been working generously on his own till date & has left no stone unturned towards helping and inspiring people. Mr. Ali will share how he envisages a creative society, where every person in the world lives comfortably and is the role of mass media? What information do we choose and how does it influence our life? How important is it to say the truth, to be honest and understand your real goals? What are the benefits for every person when the 8 foundations of the Creative Society are implemented? These and other topics will be discussed in the Live Conversation on ALLATRA TV INDIA. Initiated by people themselves, the Creative Society project has been launched on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement for the whole Humanity. As all
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