counter strike 2 vs Counter Strike Source details and physics comparison

In this video, we’ll dive deep into the world of Counter-Strike and compare two of the most popular iterations of the game - CS 2 and CS: Source. We’ll explore the differences in gameplay mechanics and physics between the two games, and see how they impact the overall gaming experience. Timestamps 0:00 - Barrel vs grenade 0:31 - Bulb swinging 0:58 - Wood shavings 1:13 - Tire rolling 1:22 - Blood details 1:33 - Protagonist Legs 1:43 - Protagonist shadow 1:58 - Smoke vs bullets 2:23 - Bullets hole insane details 2:46 - Blowing guns physics 3:09 - Die animation 3:17 - Smoke disappearing with grenade 3:55 - Blowing with C4 explosion 4:28 - Bullet smoke 4:39 - Grenade vs terrorist 4:59 - Third person run jump crouch 5:25 - Guns spinning 5:54 - Flash bang Effects when you see 6:29 - Zeus detail 6:36 - Car windshield physics 6:55 - Double shot 7:05 - Molotov details ► ►
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