The Demon Lord Who Rules the Deadly Sin of Greed

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss Mammon, a demon Lord and the demon who rules over the deadly sin of greed. We’ll start with his portrayal in John Milton’s epic poem, ’Paradise Lost’, before transitioning into an exploration of the historical and linguistic origins of the term ’Mammon’ in the Biblical canon. We’ll investigate how this term evolved from abstraction to personification, from a word denoting greed into a demonic entity, tracing this development from its Aramaic roots, then to Greek, Latin, and English. Following this, we’ll examine the teachings on Mammon in the New Testament, specifically the Gospel of Matthew, illuminating how this term was initially used. Finally, we’ll delve into notable historical texts that link Mammon to the seven deadly sins, showing him to be the deadly demon who presides over the deadly sin of Greed. Alright, let’s get into it. “Paradise Lost’ is
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