Shock! Illegal deforestation in Russia!

Welcome to the first cynical channel. I`m going to show you the effects of the illegal logging in Russia. Let`s have a look at these maps of Krasnoyarsk region. We can choose literally any spot of the forest and look up close at the satellite shooting. Here are the satellite shots, we can see these squares of stolen forest, there are a lot of them. Each of these squares look small, but in fact they can reach 1 square kilometer, for example. Usually they steal forest near the rivers, so they can easily raft it downstream. You can easily find these huge deforested squares by yourself on Google maps, just choose the satellite view and take a closer look on any spot of the forest in this area. The whole Kresnoyarsk region seems to be covered in these squares of stolen forest. Just imagine the number of these crimes and destructive influence on flora and fauna caused by this illegal business. Even a couple years ago this situation was much less tragical, we can sometimes find old satellite shots, where forest is s
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