We Miss Hapis!

PK’s back! This project took a long time, but I most certainly cannot take all the credit for it! I want to thank Harru personally for hyping up a few people to come on interviews as I know the Hapis community is a stubborn mob. But, to my surprise I had so much help from all of you guys with interviews, cinematics and an overwhelming amount of screenshots sent in! Hope you enjoy this one! I have set up a patreon as I spend money to get a professional thumbnail made along with voiceovers and to get access to a wide range of sound affects and copyright free music. On the patreon I will upload all the uncut interviews and future videos early along with some extra goodies u could find in party bags & show bags etc! 🔵TWITTER: 🔰 PATREON: Harru: Voice Intro: ? Thumbnail Artist:
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