Base Game Starter Home I Stop Motion I No CC I The Sims 4

Willow Creek Streamlet Single 20 x 15 $17,315 (not including lot price) Base Game Only Perfect for a one sim household, but can fit two sims comfortably! It has a computer, easel, and television to help your sims build skills. This house was built to be affordable so once you make your sim you can move in right away. As your sim makes more money you can definitely upgrade and expand. I used debug items in order to fill the house up with free items and keep the house under $20K. For anyone who doesn’t know, you can press ctrl shift c (all at once) and then enter the cheat: and then the cheat then click your ESC key to exit. Once you have those entered, go into the Build/Buy menu and in the search bar enter ’debug’ click on any of the options that show up and you will have access to many items from the sims catalog. No custom content is used. This house is available on the gallery, ID: mossyfrey or hashtag: mossy
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