How to make Taiyaki【Japanese fish shaped cake】アメリカでたい焼き作ろう!

Hi everyone! I made Taiyaki, Japanese fish shaped cake filled with sweetened azuki paste. Tai means red seabream fish and Yaki means fried. Red seabream is considered an auspicious fish, eaten during Japanese New Year and other special occasions, such as weddings, so Taiyaki is auspicious, too. It’s a very popular street snack in Japan and usually served warm. The crispy crust has a roasted flavor which compliments the soft bean filling so much, yum! You can find the mold on Amazon USA, the link is attached below, =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The delicious snack makes you happy! Ingredients: 6 fish ーbatterー 6 oz All purpose flour 1/4 cup Corn starch 1 tsp Baking Soda A pinch of salt 1 tbsp and 2 tsps Sugar 2/3 cup Water 1 tbsp Oil 1/2 cup Milk ーSweetened azuki bean paste- 1/2 cup Dried azuki beans 1/2 cup Sugar A pinch of
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