In competative match pro players will get advantage to boost their teammates. This video shows you best team boost moments of CS 1.6
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#ProGamers #CS16 #CounterStrike
0:00 Introduction
0:10 DSN vs NATUS VINCERE (Adepto BH Open 2011) de_dust2
0:29 STARIX vs FORZE (Arbalet Cup Europe 2010) de_inferno
0:55 HELL vs FRAG EXECUTORS (Arbalet Cup Europe 2010) de_dust2
1:26 N!FACULTY vs NANOXIA (ESL Pro Series XII) de_nuke
2:18 FISKER vs 3D (CPL Winter 2005) de_nuke
2:45 COGU vs FNATIC (ESWC 2006 Final) de_inferno
3:07 ARCADION vs MUNKKA (Dreamhack Winter 2010) de_dust2
3:40 Z1 vs DTS (WCG 2011 Ukraine) de_tuscanShow more