Combat in Lucid Soul

Kickstarter is officially off and running! So keep in mind we need EVERYONE’S help where you can on the project! Spread the word and show your support if you’re able. Remember, we’re NOTHING without you! The crowning achievement here is that combat takes place in a 3d-esque state, allowing dynamic cut-ins and such throughout the experience. For now a brief explanation of the general function of Combat. Turns, Soul Points, and layout is featured the most here. The bigger specifics will be fleshed out in another video planned at about the halfway mark of the Campaign. For now this is a brief overview of fighting 3 zombies through the eyes of Enasni and Erzbet, as Enasni explains a few fundamentals of the combat system. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys the visuals and the concepts! Please don’t hesitate to leave feedback or questions in the comments! Once again, thank
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