Soviet video game consoles

Have you ever wondered if the people in the Soviet Union had any type of video games to play with? As it turns out, YES! The people in the USSR had their own native video games and consoles! Today we all have heard about the PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox, but its surely is a very little known fact that the people behind the iron-curtain had their own alternatives. These consoles were mostly of the Pong type, which provided fun for the family and friends. However due to the their immense popularity in the Soviet Union, there was a huge shortage of them, as their quantity was not able to meet the ever-rising demand. That made it into one of the most prized soviet toys that you could find. They also had many hand held games, that are not categorized in the vintage hand held game category, but unbelievably difficult to find in a functioning state. We will also look into many bootleg games on the post-soviet market, which consisted of many hacked NES clones. Since their quantity was never great, it because
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