World Beyond - LAND OF SERENITY (feat. Maritza & Nicholas Standing)

From the album Blindsight by World Beyond: Become a channel member to receive a copy of Blindsight and other exclusive rewards: Animation based on the artwork “Revolt“ by Yanhong Lu: When the war is over, all that is left is but a rotting corpse of what could have been. In time, new grass will grow on the graves of the people who threw themselves on the gears of war to stall them. But they will never know about it. It is up to those who live to make the best of their legacy. Produced for the album Blindsight in 2022, featuring first violin by Maritza Vilibic and cello by Nicholas Standing.... Spotify: Apple Music: 网易云音乐:#/album?id=154701592 QQ音乐: Maritza: Nicholas Standing: #mentalomega #worldbeyond #soundtrack #orchestra #piano
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