Written and recorded by Russell Baker (c) 2021 Braddock Public School
How many ways of spelling the /or/ phoneme can you find in this song?
Are there new words for you in this song? Find out what they mean.
Why is the rapper in trouble in the last verse?
Listen closely to the song. You will hear musical instruments such as electronic keyboards, drums and guitars. You will also hear rapping and computer singing voices. What else can you hear in the recording?
Imagine seeing something completely unexpected.
• What do you see?
• What do you say to others about it?
• How do people respond w
...hen you tell them?
Full lyrics:
If you saw a dinosaur, you’d lock your door when you heard the roar.
An awesome sight, you can be sure, like nothing ever seen before.
But me, I’m glad those dinosaurs are not here anymore!
D - d - d - dinosaur
If you saw a dinosaur
I thought I saw a dinosaur. I baulked at walking out my door.
My teacher taught me, “Dinosaurs are dead and gone, they are no more.”
But after what I thought I saw, I’m feeling less than sure.
D - d - d - dinosaur
I thought I saw a dinosaur
I called the police and army corps. I promised them a big reward,
If they could catch the dinosaur I saw outside my door.
The search began, both long and broad, to find that dinosaur.
D - d - d - dinosaur
They’re going to find a dinosaur
They searched until they were exhausted, pouring in their full resources,
Then I said, “It’s just a story, there was not a dinosaur”.
I’m in a lot of trouble now for sure!
D - d - d - dinosaur
There was not a dinosaur
I’m in trouble now, for sure
D - d - d - d - dinosaurShow more