Wee, Wee German Lairdie sung by Alastair McDonald

Early Jacobite song mocking King George I and his love of delving in his vegetable patch. The Scottish version of the Union flag was used unofficially from 1606 to 1707, when it was quietly dropped. Noo, wha the de’il hae we gotten for a king But a wee bit German lairdie When we cam to bring him hame He was delvin’ in his yairdie Sheughin’ kail an’ layin’ leeks But the hose an’ but the breeks An’ up his beggar duds he cleeks This wee bit German lairdie An’ he’s clappit doun in our gudeman’s chair This wee bit German lairdie He’s brocht forth o’ foreign trash An’ dibbled them in our yairdie He’s pruned the rose o’ English cloons An’ broken the harp o’ Irish loons But thistle taps’ll jag his thumbs This wee bit German lairdie Come up amang our Hieland Hills Thou wee bit German lairdie See the Stewarts’ lang kail thrive They hae dibbled in our yairdie But if a sto
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