Translations have been updated, reasons are stated in the community post.
This song has a lot of references to Chinese myths and Buddhism and it’s sung rather quickly so I’ll put the entire lyrics with explanations. I hope people don’t misuse this. I don’t mind people using my translations if they ask but I’ve seen people reuploading my MVs with their own watermark, taking translations without asking or combining them with someone else’s making it seem like their own. It’s quite upsetting because I do put in effort doing the translations and editing the videos.
I would like to apologise in advance if some lines are confusing because I don’t really know much about Buddhism.
探 乾坤貌
Explore, the universe
[It actually says explore the appearance of the universe]
The sword brings forth the sandstorm
Comprehending the mortal’s view through the sword’s sheath
[Probably related to ML and FL originally being immortals and not understanding the mortal point of view until they went through stuff... that needed them to draw their swords...]
问 迷津道
Ask, for the path through the maze
Crossing the distance of heaven and earth
Ruling over every single thing and creature
[I was thinking, if the line above has been changed to ’’crossing the distance...“ The meaning of this line may be “Riding the wind, all creation looks small“]
我泪 琉璃之澈
My tears, as clear as coloured glass
[Fun fact: 琉璃 = coloured glass = Drama name]
慈悲 动干戈
Mercy, taking arms preparing for war
[I think this line and the line below has some form of comparison eg mercy vs war, stability vs storms]
定坤 蛟龙入山河
Stabilising the earth, the flood dragon enters the land
[A flood dragon is a mythological creature capable of invoking storms and floods, so storms/ chaos has entered the land.
*Someone pointed out that 定坤 (Ding Kun) is a sword, my bad! Yep so 定坤 means to stablise the earth and it’s Xuanji’s sword! So I’m guessing this line means that the reappearance of the Dingkun sword (that still responds to Xuanji when she is in extreme danger even without her memories) brings uneasiness/ chaos to the land]
莫试我 敌无赦
Don’t test me, enemies will not forgiven
且看这一途 度恩怨 造化 涅槃 轮转几回
Just look at this path, overcoming resentment, creation, nirvana, for multiple cycles of reincarnation.
借悲欢几世 炼我心 我勇 我爱 快意无悔
Borrowing a few lives of joy and sorrow to refine my heart, my courage, my love, I’ll do it with no regrets
有情劫万载 斗三界 六道 九天 誓死相随
There are numerous love tribulations, struggling against the three worlds, six paths, nine heavens, for a promise of till death do us apart
[They are referencing Buddhism’s three worlds and six paths. Nine heavens in Chinese mythology is the highest point/ level of heavens. 誓死相随 is actually a life and death pledge to accompany someone]
饮忘川之水 也不负再会
Even if I drank from the river of forgetfulness, I will not forget our promise
[不负 means to not let down and 再会 actually means to meet again so he’s saying that even after drinking from the river of forgetfulness, he will not let her down and will show up for their next meeting. But this line is already quite long in the captions so I went for the gist of it]
我魄 血肉之核
My soul the core of my human body
众生 痴离合
All living things, are foolish about separating and reuniting
一念 有天悬地隔
One thought, a distance of heaven and earth
[天悬地隔 means being completely different but i went for the more literal translation. If I link this to the line below, it will probably mean something like a single choice can have completely different consequences]
尝因果 品痛彻
Experiencing karma, tasting penetrating pain
[Karma here is about cause and effect so it’s either karma from that choice (line above) or if taken as a line itself, that whatever happens in their past lives would have an effect on their current one and that consequence is the penetrating pain]
血脉 不界善恶
Bloodline, no boundary between good and evil
[As stated in the comments, your blood doesn’t determine whether you are good or evil, because of that I changed blood ties to bloodline]
阴阳 相生克
Yin and Yang, mutual restrain
[Mutual restrain is from the 5 elements in Chinese philosophy]
空空 执念中取舍
Emptiness, a choice in the midst of obsessions
[I think another Buddhism reference, becoming ’empty’ is a choice amidst all the obsessions he has or the desires in the world]
以善择 非天择
Choose what’s good (virtuous/ benevolent) and not heaven’s will
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