More children rescued from torpedoed SS City of Benares (1940)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The passenger ship City of Benares was bound for Canada from Liverpool with 90 child evacuees on board when she was torpedoed and sank, and after eight days adrift on the Atlantic Ocean, remaining survivors are finally rescued, including six evacuee boys and Miss Mary Cornish Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: More Surviviors from the Children’s Liner UNKNOWN: EXT CHILDREN Torpedoed children arrive back at Scottish Port.. saved from City of Benares EVACUATION Torpedoed children arrive back at Scottish port saved from “City of Berzores“ Ship SHIPPING More survivors from City of Benares Cornish (only women with child survivors) Civilians; Ships and Boats World War II, WWII, Second World War, war, Children????????s Overseas Reception Board (CORB), Lifeboat 12, HMS Anthony, Atlantic Background: The passen
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