Plum Island: “Even More Dangerous“ (Pt 1) VVH-TV News Special Report

Plum Island: “Even More Dangerous“ VVH-TV News Special Report (Pt. 1) Department of Homeland Security is seriously considering approving a National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility on Plum Island in Eastern Long Island, NY. The facility would operate at what the government defines as BioSafety Level-4, which is the highest level of danger for biological research. The government defines BioSafety Level-4 as research involving “pathogens that pose a high risk of life-threatening disease in animals and humans through the aerosol route and for which there is no known vaccine or therapy.“ The Plum Island Animal Disease Center operates at BioSafety Level-3 -- only doing research on animal diseases. There are five other possible sites for the new facility. But the Department of Homeland Security, whose project this is -- and which also now manages Plum Island -- is bullish on Plum Island for it because the other locations on the U.S. mainland all have lots of livestock near
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