The Beauty Of Kyrgyzstan – By Drone In 4K | Kirgistan Drohnenflug | Kyrgyzstan Aerial | Reisetipps

Kyrgyzstan is one of the last countries which is really “Off the beaten track“. If you travel to Kyrgyzstan you can experience “real“ adventures! When we travelled on our epic adventure through Kyrgyzstan we were lucky to have the drone in our backpacks. We made these incredible video footage for you. Kyrgyzstan has such spectacular landscape and the word “epic“ is a perfect match for this country! We took the drone to an adventurous more day trek through the mountains of Kyrgyzstan (one of Kyrgyzstans Highlights), to horse trekking and to some day hikes. The kyrgyz hospitality is just incredible and the food they have is absolutely delicious! We fell in love with Kyrgyzstan and hope to come back one day! ----------- Kirgistan gehört zu den Ländern, die wirklich noch abseits der ausgetretenen Touristenpfade liegen. Du kannst hier noch richtige Abenteuer erleben. Auf unserer Reise durch Kirgistan packten wir unsere Drohne ein
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