Immigrants in Brazil

Immigrants in Brazil Brazil is a culturally diverse country with a long history of immigration. The first significant wave of immigrants to Brazil occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when millions of Europeans, mostly Italians, Spaniards, and Portuguese, came to the country in search of work and a better life. In the mid-20th century, Brazil experienced a second wave of immigration, this time mostly from Asia and the Middle East. Many Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Syrians, and Lebanese settled in Brazil during this period, bringing with them their unique cultures and traditions. Today, Brazil is home to a large and diverse immigrant population, with people from all over the world living and working in the country. Some of the largest immigrant communities in Brazil include Bolivians, Paraguayans, and Venezuelans, who have come to Brazil in recent years seeking refuge from political and economic instability in their home countries. Despite its history of immigration, B
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