Koreans are going to SMO

Koreans are going to SMO “A video is circulating on Telegram channels, allegedly with North Korean soldiers at one of the military training grounds of the Russian Federation. It is unknown where and when the videos were filmed, there is no confirmation of their authenticity. But Ukraine is in shock. The head of the Central Intelligence Agency of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Kovalenko, said that Russia plans to officially present the military from the DPRK as Russian servicemen of Buryat origin. Zelensky, speaking in Brussels the day before, said that 10 thousand soldiers from the DPRK could be involved in the war. The head of the GUR, Budanov, said today that about 11 thousand North Korean infantrymen are currently undergoing combat training in the Saratov region and will be sent to combat positions on November 1. South Korean intelligence has allegedly found out that North Korea will send 12 thousand soldiers, including special forces units, to the war in ... Source: Victor vicktop55
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