Peace gets a move on. Sheffield, Yorkshire.
GV of Sheffield City Hall. SV Man holding up Poster “ “Sheffield Peace Congress Hear what Stalin has said - Remember we are not against all wars - we are for revolutionary wars although they are particularly horrible. LV Delegates getting out of coach in front of City Hall. SBV Delegates walking along. SV Delegates walking along towards camera. BV Delegates walking up steps of City Hall. SV Tony Mallier of Nottingham Youth Centre who carried Peace Baton with 81- year-old Lady Mabel Smith. SV 24 year-old Mrs. Tudor Hart. who accompanied baton on motorcycle from Dover.
SV Propaganda loudspeaker on top of car. SV Towards and pan the Red Dean Dr. Hewlett Johnson arriving. SV Delegates on top of Steps posing with Archimandrite Jon of Sofia (Bishop of Bulgaria). CU Bishop of Bulgaria. SV Dr. Hewlett Johnson on steps with Pablo Picasso SCU Picasso shaking hands with Johnson. SV Delegate carrying in large bundle of papers. Big GV Interior Congress in progress with banne