Создание логотипа для оптовой продажи нефтепродуктов с помощью

1. Elegant Minimalist Lago for Wholesale Petroleum Products Company Create a sleck and elegant minimalist logo for a company that specializes in the wholesale distribution of petroleum products. The design should incorporate subtle elements representing petroleum, such as drops or waves, and use a refined, professional font. 2. Modern Minimalist Petroleum Wholesale Logo Design a modern, minimalic logo for a company engaged in the wholesale trade of petroleum products. The logo should feature simple yet sophisticated shapes, possibly incorporating an abstract oil droplet or barrel, and a clean, contemporary typetace. 3. Refined Minimalist Logo for Petroleum Distributor Develop an elegent and refined minimaliat logo for a wholesale petroleum distributor. The logo should he clean and simple, using geometric shapes or lines to suottly siggest petroleum products, paired with a classy, understated font. 4. Sophisticated Minimalist Logo for Oil Wholesale Company Craft a sophisticared minimalist logo for a company dealing in the wholesale of oil products, The design should be sleek and elegant, utillzing minimalistic symbols related to all, like a streamlined droplet, and a modern, elegant font styla. Материал подготовил наш тестировщик и специалист по нейросетям Матвей. ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА НАС В СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЯХ: Яндекс.Дзен: ВКонтакте: Rutube: Telegram: VvP5YFooc91-w2gH Youtube: @pirania302 Так же, можете обращаться по любым вопросам к основателю рекламного агентства “PIRANIA“ Жирнову Геннадию. Facebook: Instagram: Вконтакте: Pinterest: # #нейросеть #нейросети #logo #логотип #созданиелоготипа #midjourneydiscord #ai #AIгенераторизображений
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